Most important for us - happy, healthy & pleased customers!
TachyonhouseUK is a young and dynamically growing business and your ideas and suggestions on how to make this site even more user friendly are highly welcome. The overwhelmingly positive feedback from both personal as well as online customers is the real motivation behind all our endeavours. It keeps us going, encourages us to continue, stick to it, experiment with new things and aim to continuously improve our products and services.
Should it happen in rare cases that something doesn't work straight away, is defect, not delivered or just doesn't fit, please get in touch. We are here to serve you to the highest and best and to find a quick and easy solution for you as our customer.
Hello Patrizia, I hope you are doing well!! I received my order this afternoon and I am beyond thrilled! :)
It is no exaggeration to say that your products have saved my life. This is because they are helping me to work through some serious emotional trauma. I'm forever grateful to you for making them available and at an affordable price point.
I bought the clear heart pendant for my mother. She is not convinced of Tachyon powers but loves that they protect against EMF and 5G! S.H. 3rd March 2024
"Dear Patrizia, thank you so much for sending me the tachyonised water. It has helped tremendously! I had long Covid for five months, feeling very weird… I tried many different supplements, which did help but the weird Covid feeling was still in the background. After taking the water for three days I suddenly started to feel better and myself again! The most ‘normal’ I’ve felt in months! Very surprised it worked so well and fast. Couldn’t recommend Tachyon more highly…I was concerned I might be stuck with that condition; so thank you for your kindness and support and for bringing Tachyon into our lives. No idea how it all works, but it does! K.C. 13th Dec. 2022"
I happily received my Tachyon blanket today! Wow! I placed it over my shoulders for a few minutes to test it, and I still feel the energy buzzing on my shoulders. Soon after sharing my experience with the blanket, I went out. Whilst walking, I noticed the energy from the tachyonised blanket had moved down from my shoulders where I felt it initially, to my heart and physically around the solar plexus area. It has brought up some deep stuff. Wow. I will be journaling. Thank you so much."  V.C. 1st June 2022
"I'd like to say a big, warm thank you for your very kind words. When I opened your parcel, a very nice uplifting energy got me and raised me up. I just can't really describe it. But this happy uplifting feeling has been with me all day. And again, thank you so much. I already know what I gonna order next time and I'm very pleased that found your site." C.A. May 2023
I tried the blanket yesterday evening and today's morning: I feel my cells vibrating and a nice feeling of relaxation and peace; I definitely sense the difference while I do my meditations since I am able to be less restless and sit still for longer periods of time. I think this blanket has a stronger effect on me compared to the cotton blue one I bought prior to this. I am very grateful and so blessed to have this blanket. It feels like being in another dimension!! Thank you!! E. S. 28th Jan. 2021
'....the cotton blanket is sacred to me, ... thanks'. R.W. Bethesda, Maryland, US, 30th Nov. 2018
Just a quick note to say, am enjoying my blanket... it gives me a very comforting feeling , like am held by a lovely energy as I sleep with it. 25th Nov. 2020
"That blue tachyon blanket is extraordinary... By "chance" we already had a blanket originally made by the same company - it was a blanket we really liked.... And now this blue, infused with those special Tachyon energies....and in this "extra"-ordinary time........ Thank you - I don't really have words to describe the "differences" - but the energise have definitely changed.... and, yes, they require that we 'step up to the plate'...." J.O. 22nd April 2020
Feedback from our global customers:
The following testimonial is put together from extracts of different email updates from my client (L.G.) who started ordering Tachyon products from the online shop ( in March 2018. In July '18 L.G. then came for her first Journey process, combined with a Reiki session. Note that by clearing issues, we also open doors to receiving more abundance into our lives! L.G. had open ulcers on her leg and toe .. 6th March I hope that the Tachyon products I have received will help with the healing of a leg ulcer which I have had for months now. I have stuck the Tachyon glass cell directly over the wound on top of a thin plaster. 8th March As you say I hope some of the blockages can be dissolved as the lack of blood flow. 27th March Yes I have been placing the cells on my leg. The ulcer has improved greatly. What I have noticed though is an increase in my energy levels as well as my creative energy as I make ceramic and glass jewellery and I have rented another studio space …. all of this has come together over the past few weeks! 9th April Just wanted to send you a picture of my leg now so you see that it is all healed! This latest ulcer began on 16th Nov last year; all this time I was trying to get it to heal. I started placing the cells on my leg on 6th March and it has been healing since 7th April, so in just four weeks. 22nd April Thank you as I received the parcel with the Tachyon blanket yesterday so had my first night under the blanket. I actually felt refreshed when I woke up this morning! Usually I feel horrible in the morning. The pain in the left toe is reduced as well so I'm looking forward to the continuing benefits and I imagine once the body starts healing it can continue on its own process. 31st May To be honest I haven't really been doing that well. I have developed a small ulcer under the middle toe and although small it has been so painful and prevents proper walking. My leg is all healed and has remained healed but I can't seem to get this one to heal. On a positive note it has not got any worse since it came around a month ago. 27th July I really don't want to be too ahead of myself in saying this but the ulcer on my ankle is half the size and under the toe I'm using just s small plaster when before I had to use loads of padding on it. Also it's not weeping. When I sleep it's like a much deeper sleep which is all good. Healing to be continued
Just to tell you about my mother, I gave her the Tachyon blanket; She
became very well a week after receiving the blanket - even my skeptical
sister had to admit to the positivity of the blanket as nothing else
treatment wise had changed. She's progressed gradually since, has
set backs when she picks up serious infections - taking chemo tablets
that destroy her blood cells, but here we are 6 months on and she has washed her floors this morning and cleaned the bathroom😀
She took her blanket into hospital with her, I washed it when we got to
her home. She was very cross with me as she felt I had washed the
goodness from it. I told her that's not possible, but I don't think it's
been washed since. The blanket is on her bed at night and behind
her back on the chair during the day. It improved her hugely, energy
wise, mood wise during those couple of weeks. Thank you Patrizia for all you do, take care,' Lots of love, O.H., 23rd Nov 2018 Hi Patrizia, Just a bit of feedback on the blanket. I have
had the opportunity to try it on several occasions and it appears to
have both a calming effect and does help to shift energy. I look
forward to using it further and see what happens. A friend of
mine, who is far more energy aware than I am, held the blanket for a
while and she could feel an immediate effect. I gave her one of your
cards and I believe she will be contacting you with a view to placing an
order.' E.P, 21st Nov. 2018 Hi Patrizia Thank you as I received the parcel yesterday so had my
first night under the blanket . I actually felt refreshed when I
woke up this morning! Usually I feel horrible in the morning. The pain
in the left toes is reduced as well so I'm looking forward to the
continuing benefits and I imagine once the body starts healing it can
continue on its own process. The body lotion is really good as well a subtle smell but it absorbs really well. Thank you so much for all your help and I will keep you updated. L.G. April 2018
"I hereby full
heartedly recommend Tachyonhouse and its services and products to
anyone interested! I do this because Patrizia, who runs the company,
is very service minded, a noble and professional business woman, in
her own right, with her heart at the right place! She has proven this
to me, over and over! Another reason i recommend Patrizia's
Tachyonhouse, besides her personal qualities, is the high level
quality her tachyonized products holds: they are on a high
vibrational level and although Tachyon energy sometimes may be
perceived subtle, rest assured these products are quite profound and
always, always working their purpose, which is to balance, clear and
vibrationally heighten anything they get in connection with, in a
total natural way! It's so simple; just keep the tachyonized object
on you, or in your home and it will naturally gather and radiate that
balancing, beneficial and healing life force energy to its
Before sending her Tachyon products off to your
home, Patrizia gives the products Reiki blessings along with well
wishing from her heart - these pure and good intentions are a
contributing factor to creating a lovely and tender, yet profound
vibration and sensation, being transmitted from all of her
Investing in Tachyon equals investing in health and
although it will start to positively affect you, your energy field
and body, from the moment you get it; remember it's a tool and will
work with you, but everyones experience of a Tachyon product may
differ somewhat, so give your self time to experience the heightened
Tachyon influence..and please do experiment with it!" S.L. 2nd April 2018
I have been placing the cells on my leg; the ulcer had improved
greatly, that is why I wanted more cells to tape to the thigh area where
the blockage was. What I have also noticed though is an increase
in my energy levels as well as my creative energy as I make ceramic and
glass jewellery. What you suggest about Tachyon structure cloths or
other objects sounds like a marvelous idea....
"My back has eased up a lot now and I know that your products have helped, as I have placed them against my back whilst sleeping. These work 100%, but in a very subtle way. I believe in this life force energy! When I recently sat around 2 of your 8cm glass energy balls I got very relaxed, very creative and started writing down creating 4 song ideas in a week. I started playing guitar fluently, including some virtuoso classical guitar scales with ease. My guitar playing has become much more fluid and I pull ideas from the 'ether' quickly, which sometimes leads to completely new works of music. I am a talented songwriter but struggle with creativity. ~ I now know that I can be very creative with 2 of these glass tachyon balls near to me as they seem to clear my path to Source, whom I believe is all that is, unlimited love, but I know that my 3rd eye and communication with him has been partially blocked, and I understand that meditating, walking in nature, giving unconditional love, creating music from the heart, and being around this loving energy all strengthen my connection with the Creator. Anyone can benefit from this loving Tachyon energy. As well as healing us through our 'energy body', the added creativity can help sculptors, writers, artists, designers, or anyone suffering a 'mental block'. These people can benefit financially, as when you are 'supercharged' with creative energy, you have God's infinite power to create superior creations - I can promise for this to be true. Please feel free to publish anything in this email as your work is incredibly important in making people aware, as most people are not aware that this gentle healing tachyon energy exists."! 14th March 2017, Stephen H.
Hello, my
name is Darshi. In 1990 I had an accident, which damaged the nerves
in my lower back. The pain I felt was excruciating. Doctors gave
regular morphine injections. After they had to stop, I was prescribed
strong pain killers. The pains never went away, they became chronic
in time and spread throughout the body Ten years ago, after being
diagnosed with Fibromyalgia (FM), I had had enough. You can imagine
the pain - severe chronic pain throughout the body, plus FM.
almost twenty six years I have never known a day without pain.
to so many “healers”over the years, trying every pain
eliminating, relieving product I was told and heard of!
worked. I gave in , surrendered..
set in.
deep doubt, and this doubt was painful, it added more pain. The pain
now had spread from the body into the mind. It had gone deeper.
climate of the modern world is doubt, because the modern world is
based on science; science depends on doubt for it’s existence,
doubt is it’s foundation. The modern world has become scientific
because we have been trained to doubt within our education system. We
have not been trained to trust. Science cannot exist with trust.
Trust has almost disappeared from the modern world. The madness and
sadness is; without trust there is no growth. Without trust nothing
is healed. Healing needs our trust. We cannot grow in
consciousness with doubt, so science doesn’t help us grow. Trust
helps us grow Trust opens doors that doubt cannot, science cannot.
in these days of doubt is rare to find. For each one of us trust
needs a quantum leap. A leap of faith. It needs a ‘Yes” in our
try Tachyon products for my pains was just that - a leap of faith
was one of the best leaps in my many years of searching for pain
to these tremendous authentic products that I highly and totally
recommend for anyone who has any unwanted pains and fatigue is
you still have any niggling doubts, then contact Patrizia at
Tachyonhouse. I will say with all sincerity: your doubts will simply
dissolve may even feel something new :-)
have the spheres, the blankets, and the body warmers, plus pendants,
pyramids and stones as my friends.
DHP MIAH, 02.11.16
Dear Patrizia, It has been a busy few weeks for me since I received your Tachyon. To say I love them is an understatement.
I love the postcards and have sent my daughter 2 of the postcards (she
is at university). My son has autism and I have put 2 in his bedroom
hoping that it will balance him out too. Thank you for the glass cells
too they were a nice touch and I use them for drinking water. They are
nice in the bath when I have a bath. I have been using the chakra
set every day since they arrived and can really feel them on me. I use
them at night when I go to bed for about 10 mins and if I get the chance
in the morning too. Sometimes I carry 2 of them in my trouser pockets
all day, varying the colours. If I place them under a drink I notice
that it really influences the taste, especially coffee.
Hi Patrizia, I took your idea and put one of the cells in my water
filter, I have noticed my cats drinking more from it than they used to.
I also noticed that they seem to love the energy as as soon as I sit
down they all want to be near me. Even my plants have picked up and look
healthier from the tachyon cell in my water. Here is my experince of the tachyon pendant and cells thus far,
I have noticed the following things, more positive thoughts, not
stressing so much, more clarity, its like someone removed the fog, I
felt quite euphoric for about four days, now its balanced out but I am
still laughing most things off, not so stressed and bothered by other
people's actions than I used to be which is brilliant. I get a lot
of pain in one of my breasts since I had breast cancer in 2011, I put
one of the cells inside my bra and left it there everyday and the pain
has so far gone. I also kept getting a fungus type thing in my finger
nails, (I work with paint and a lot of things like that as I renovate
furniture) the doctors took samples and said nothing was wrong but I
kept getting black nails, it was very odd but also horrible to look at,
getting me down, I had black nail varnish on, well two days ago I
removed the polish and to my total shock, all my nails were free from
this fungus type thing, they were clear and bright. My thumb nails had
lots of ridges as well as the fungal infection and they are now smother
and returning to health, honestly I am shocked and amazed at these
results in such a short space of time, I cant tell you : -) x Denise, Hampshire
Pendant reduce pain in my spine...but only when I wear soon as I take it off pain is caming back and it is not easier than usual. Pendant is good for relief, just like a pill, but not healing anything...however this is a healthy pill and I like it very much. Thank you once again!
Zeljka Psenica, August 2015
Daniel Parker, Cambridgeshire, June 2015As you know, I purchased a few pendants, and handed them to
my mum, Ann, her partner, Paul and my sister Paris. Well the first thing I noticed was a feeling of grounding. That’s how I would describe it, at least. I feel more grounded and feel more settled. It’s quite hard to describe exactly, the feelings, but I am certain now that these Tachyon stones really do have positive effects, My mum's partner has suffered from arthritis in his knees for a long time, after working as a gas fitter for years, working on his knees. They operated on his knees, which made them worse if anything. He started using walking aids and some days struggled to walk downstairs. Well,. guess what.. Immediately after wearing the pendant, his knee pain reduced significantly and it just got better from there. He no longer uses walking aids and can walk for a few hours a day over a weekend without any problem. He cannot understand why, but he has attributed the positive advancements in his knees' health to wearing the Tachyon pendant. It’s funny, because he doesn’t want to believe that it could be a stone that has helped his knees! Like he said, “I don’t know how or why a stone can help me so much, but there is no other explanation, the effects were instant and have lasted until now”. That for me is a wonderful result! I’m so happy for him. He springs out of the chair, he moves around much faster, he is obviously much happier being in less pain. Thanks to the Tachyon pendant. My brother and mother seem much more settled too and my mum is far less stubborn and open to trying new ideas. It has certainly helped her too. Anyways, I just wanted to share our experiences and say a big thank you . Best Regards, Dan Parker
Robert Macefield from Oxfordshire, May 2013
Just a report on my silk liner. I have spent a few nights with it, and can tell it is tachyonized. No vivid dreams or astral flying! However I have woken up feeling refreshed and energized. When sitting with it around my shoulders my body warms up. It really is a wonderful discovery. I remember hearing the name tachyon in a Star Trek film some years ago, but never thought they would have a real application.
A very good customer who wishes to stay anonymous, 12th December 2012 Hello Patrizia well, that sunshine pashmina for my friend is proving delightful. She wore it for a big presentation she had to do at college and had a really good time, her mood has lifted beautifully, a lot of that due to her own good work on herself, but her field is definitely lighter and brighter . . . and she loves the sunshine of the pashmina...
and I'm really enjoying the pendulum. I usually rely on intuition and/or subtle muscle testing (on myself) but there's some very specific questioning I'm doing at the moment (to do with the hz frequencies required for healing specific things) and the pendulum is clearly the best way to do it . . . so thank you again! so glad I found you!!
with love
Richard Collins, South Africa, 30th October 2012
Hello Pat, The Kidney Warmer is absolutely amazing. I think everybody should have one.
I have more energy. My lower back pain is gone, I am more flexible.
I should have replied sooner, but I wanted to try out your product properly, and to make sure I was not imagining the benefits.
The other patients at the clinic are also telling me, how much better I look..
This is all SO GREAT.
I am one true happy customer !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank-you Patrizia.
Jenny, Beverly Hills, 13. November 2012
I love the Tachyon, wouldn't know what I'd do without it. I gave one of the bracelets to a friend of mine that has carpal tunnel. With wearing the it she is relief of pain and has full mobility with her hand and wrist. She is as amazed as I am.
Last Saturday I felt like I was coming down with a flu and came home early from work to rest. I placed the 3 large size cells on my forehead and a pendant on my throat in an attempt to relief myself from the pounding head and sore throat that was beginning to form. I stayed in bed and had chicken soup and took probiotics for two days. By Monday morning (today), I returned to work without ever having a temperature or sore throat. I am perfectly fine.
I did the exact same thing about three years ago when I was feeling like I was coming down with a flu.